7 Tips for Staying Safe During Extreme Cold Weather
Posted: January 14, 2025
Polar Vortex and Extreme Cold Safety Tips Only travel if you have to. In extreme cold, you shouldn’t travel unless it’s absolutely necessary. Staying inside will reduce your chance of getting frostbite or risking uncertain road conditions. If you do need to leave the house, be sure to brush up on best practices for winter driving safety. If you drive, make sure you have a flashlight with...
Navigating Cyber Insurance in 2025
Posted: January 4, 2025
With the New Year comes new possibilities. If your work includes online operations, e-commerce, or website hosting, it also comes with new dangers. Hackers have new skills, and the race to keep online security ahead of the ever-changing curve is of great concern. In 2025, cyber insurance will be a necessity like never before. Cyber Insurance: What It Is and Why It Matters Cyber insurance...
New Year’s Resolutions for Policy Holders
Posted: January 2, 2025
The New Year is traditionally the time we make decisions about the future. Most New Year’s resolutions focus on personal health or family and business goals. Don’t forget to include greater peace of mind and security for yourself and those you love as part of your New Year’s list. By reviewing your policy coverage and making the necessary changes based on your other annual targets,...
4 Ways to Make MLK Day a Day “On” Instead of a Day Off
Posted: January 1, 2025
Dr. Martin Luther King was a legendary figure in civil rights history. His life marked a turning point toward greater inclusion, tolerance, and unity in our country. His work is commemorated each year on the third Monday of January. MLK Day is the only federal holiday observed as a day of service to others. Dr. King once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,...